Friday, August 29, 2014

Love myself

I've been told that I should love myself before I can love others, and the thing is I do love myself. I'm just concerned with my family a lot. I'm being told constantly from my coworker that I care and worry too much about my family and their problems when I should be worried about my own welfare. I have no place to call home and I dont really have a place to put my stuff. I've been so busy working my ass of and paying off bills and doing errands for my family that I haven't been taking care of myself.
I would of thought that getting a boyfriend would of made some sort of difference, or maybe some sort of relief. I feel as if I've gotten more grief and stress because of him. I'm not sexuality frustrated more than I was when I was single. There are so little things I ask for in a relationship whether it's a friendship or an intimate relationship and I dont get any of it. I'm so low maintenance and yet I can't have the one thing I'm asking for? I deserve much more than what I'm getting but I really like him so much. And he makes my heart melt when I see him. I'm just so frustrated and mad and raging on about so much shit and the second I see him all I want to do is hug him and just stay in his arms. I feel a sense of security and I know that he likes me just as much as I do. I just one one thing.. but is it so hard to pull though? I need to be selfish. I'm turning 22 and I've only started the things I wanted

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